then as an answer to all of this, my apparently spineless, snobby, two-faced, 'good democrat' neighbors [who are supposed to be environmentally-friendly as 'good democrats'] then turned a blind eye to the fact that i was under siege in my own neighborhood and sided with evil instead as they -- perhaps out of fear -- embraced one of my attackers, mister olenak - now the ducks have returned, wondering what has happened...
well, first off; 1) the 'evidence suppression unit' of the santa clara police department who used my attackers as 'witnesses to duck feeding' got busted in a recent METRO MAGAZINE article; and due to the lack of an effective environmental council here in the silicon valley; 2) local 'good democrats' in government [santa clara and sunnyvale] have not only turned a blind eye -- but also joined in on the federally-sponsored ecoterrorism during the last 8 years of anti-environmental bush administration -- so we now not only have severely degraded environmental protection standards here in SUPERBIRDLAND!, but also local 'good democrats' in office who need to be booted from public dis-service for all time...
The bottom line: these ducks are not wild, but they are also not domestic -- in fact; there is no official classification for them because they are somewhere in between, just like you should be when it comes to voting and/or politics in general...
> check out: http://independentvoting.org & click here
[NOTE: mister olenak is an environmentally-unfriendly, violent, catholic/republican who loves to spread poisonous snail bait all over his front yard - and also someone my newly environmentally-unfriendly 'good democrat' neighbors have in the past basically called a bigot, among other things - yes; they have repeatedly talked shit behind mister olenaks' back to me, and now they have befriended him, of all things!? - interesting fact: mister 'good democrat' has worked for defense contractors in the past, making tomahawk missiles and/or supporting US government-sponsored terrorism -- and often inadvertently killing innocent citizens overseas in the process, much like those other 'good democrats' feinstein/blum -- but i can't feed ducks? hmmm...let me think about that one...]
INTERESTING STORY: many years ago there used to be a very heavy-set lady who lived in the house seen in the photo above, and she was what you would call a 'satanist' who regularly attended exorcisms where people were made to vomit into rags to purge evil from their systems [yuk!] she was a nice lady, but kind of a weird lady too - long after she moved out of the house, there was an eerie-looking, orange light left over from the move hanging from the ceiling upstairs just over the tree where the ducks used to be fed, and for some reason that light used to creep me out and remind me of that weird lady and her satanism or something [while initially raised a catholic; i no longer attend church because while christ was cool; christians are often sort of crazy and in fragmented internal disagreement, much like the current democratic party] i always had an instinctive gut level feeling something bad was going to come out of that house someday, but i didn't know when or why - and now the evil has apparently finally surfaced as people who seemed very nice for many years have suddenly turned on me to side with evil instead, consciously turning what i expected for so long, into a reality - and they wonder why i don't speak to them anymore...