On thursday september 6th, 2007 an administrative hearing (regarding a $50 ticket issued to rebel duck feeder lik roper) was held at the city of santa clara - officers gabby seagrave and pablo lopez used 4 of lik roper's attackers as 'witnesses to duck feeding' (laughable) and two of the attackers even had the gall to show up at the hearing (click here - see men in photo) - the hearing officer louis amadeo, jr. said he saw nothing wrong with mister roper's actions, yet ultimately decided against him anyway!? (due to a fit thrown by seagrave - political payback is a bitch [named gabby seagrave]) - the opposition's witnesses were; 1) denise olenak, a local painter with a bad attitude who has always sort of been non-existent in neighborhood affairs; 2) terry kraemer (a red-faced, drunk and balding dude from down the street) and; 3) fred olenak (these men are two of roper's attackers - click here); and 4) virginia olenak even showed up to whine and complain a bit as well...
three people appeared on mister roper's behalf, including a long-time family friend of mayor patricia mahan, and a really nice lady who lives down the street from mister roper - an entire history of events has been included in a word file (CLICK HERE) this contains supressed evidence that was for some reason suspiciously passed over and ultimately ignored by hearing officer louis amadeo jr....
(click here - when mister roper initially met louis amadeo jr., he felt like louis was someone who would finally step up to the plate and do the job like it should be done [shouldn't evidence of a crime be acted upon no matter when the evidence appears? - only if it doesn't ruin the city's chances to squash a costly lawsuit], but apparently louie is just some mediocre hearing officer/lawyer subjugated to a side room [a 'fixer' lawyer?], and maybe there is a reason for this, i don't know - one thing i do know is this; there is real reason santa clara county is considered the worst justice department in the state of california - you know; during the 1960s civil rights era; african americans and other minorities used to appeal to higher courts in order to bring justice, but now caucasians are often being discriminated against by crooked cops who are either sexist lesbians and/or racist latinos [etc] like officers seagrave and lopez - and while this particular case is relatively insignificant, the obvious lying on the part of Seagrave and Lopez is likely the tip of a HUGE iceberg, so how many people are in jail for serious crimes they did not commit?)...
mr. and mrs. olenak, terry kraemer - and the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments [as well as city of santa clara coffers] all had something to lose if they did not lie, because a serious civil rights lawsuit had recently been filed against the city of santa clara (and officer lopez) for the wrongful arrest of mister roper, and the city of santa clara took out all the stops to nip this troubling development at the bud (in fact; officer lopez showed up at the september hearing and repeatedly walked by roper while letting his billy clubs go clank-clank-clank in an obvious [lame] attempt to intimidate him, and officer seagrave made a bunch of [lame] threats she cannot legally follow through with, and even coached the 'witnesses' on how to file a lawsuit!?) > please sign the petition to immediately terminate the employment of santa clara police officers PABLO LOPEZ AND G. SEAGRAVE (X-13) @ http://www.petitiononline.com/ROPER4/petition.html
fortunately; mister olenak could not control his mouth during the hearing and admitted to his attack in front of mister roper's three witnesses, which will help his case later on (while it is unfortunate; officer seagrave has now sucked herself into the lawsuit fray along with pablo due to her latest questionable actions) > as mister roper left the room, he flashed a lennon-esque nazi salute to seagrave and lopez...
IN THE END; all of mister roper's evidence was passed over and $230.00 dollars was ultimately extorted out of him for essentially being attacked several times (?!) and this is precisely why the entire history of events is being included for all to see CLICK HERE (after being covered up by a variety of agencies; everybody from george hills inc., to the city of santa clara) - it is high time to let the truth be known > note: mister roper was instructed by the hearing officer to give a copy of his case file report to the city clerk, but not only was he unable to do this due to the sensitivity of certain uncopyable documents (which have not been added to this blog report due to security reasons), but also; what would be the point in that? all they would do is cover it up again! - the bottom line is this: while these key pieces of material evidence strongly refute the police report in question; all the police have is hearsay evidence which will clearly not hold up in court - and since key elements of their report is flawed, THEN THE WHOLE DAMN POLICE REPORT IS FLAWED - while all mister roper has done is tell the same story over and over again (why is it when the government has strong material evidence [other than hearsay] against an individual, the government pursues it agressively; but when an individual has strong material evidence [other than hearsay] of government misconduct; the government aggressively denies it? - click here)
THESE ARE VERY SERIOUS CHARGES: 1) FALSIFYING POLICE REPORTS (lopez, fitting, seagrave, leipelt, terrones etc) - 2) USE OF EXCESSIVE FORCE (lopez, fitting) - 3) WRONGFUL ARREST (lopez, fitting) - 4) CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS; (lopez, fitting, seagrave) - 5) MISDEMEANOR ASSAULT (struble, olenak, foley, peck etc) - 6) FELONY VANDALISM (peck) ect etc etc...
> what is ultimately going on here is a culmination of 'illuminati' tactics coming to fruition in the form of exclusiveness rather than inclusiveness, and intolerance as opposed to tolerance etc - TV shows such as 'survivor' ect, not only reflect a sort of 'corporate vulture' mindset that exists within many semiconductor campuses, but they also plant a seed of discontent within society to make people believe that discriminating against certain free individuals is acceptable, when it clearly is not...
good question: why would mister roper have given santa clara officer leipelt a good rating in his assessment of his police work if he had given leipelt a bad time? (click here) - perhaps this damning report by mister roper should be seen as an indictment of the city of santa clara and their police department, and a real reason for the 49ers to stay out of santa clara, for the good of all 49er fans...
IN RETROSPECT - while it is likely essential to the future success of mister roper's rock n roll career to be arrested and portrayed as this sort of crazy, loud mouthed, rabble-rousing, violent arrest-resistor (this could increase his chances at being elected mayor of santa cruz as well) - and even more wonderful for 'THE JESUS ROPER' aspect of things [due to the two opposing stories of mister roper; 1) one as this sort of gentle, soft-spoken man - 2) and the other as an angry, violent animal rights activist] - unfortunately; neither of these portrayals is correct (just don't tell anybody)...