since then i filed a lawsuit for civil rights violations on the part of the santa clara police department, and for the excessive force used during the wrongful arrest, leading to illegal retliatory measures by the city, but this did nothing more than deepen the courtroom muck for the city to $ift through later (click here - the hearing officer, being a part-time employee, probably gave the city a favorable judgement just to keep his cool $75 per hour once-a-month hearing officer job)...
anyway, i have recently seen traffic counting devices in the city of santa clara and sunnyvale (see photos below) but THEY HAVE MYSTERIOUSLY TURNED UP EVERYWHERE BUT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! - i have had traffic counter devices put out a number of times on our street, and usually they put them out on the days when there is the least traffic, then take them away when the real traffic starts...
(interesting fact: regardless of the nine vehicles which have plowed up onto our property over the years, two petitions for speed humps on my street have been denied by the santa clara city council)
i also recently talked to some santa clara city street workers (see photo below) and they promised to tell their boss about my request for a state-law required crosswalk sign - i even told them about old jimmy - but so far there has been no action taken on the part of the city of santa clara...
ZERO TRAFFIC TOLERANCE LEVELS - since there is no way of telling if the city is rigging the numbers on these traffic counters to give them desirable results, the results these boxes reveal should be treated like voting machine results, perhaps by securing the counter boxes with secret combination locks...
> EMAIL GOVERNOR ARNOLD @ governor@governor.ca.gov and tell him to install a state-law crosswalk sign in our neighborhood!