We all know about the jena 6, where 5 out of 6 african americans remain incarcerated regarding their attack of a caucasian american man (and perhaps rightfully so) while the santa clara 6 (see photos) remain free - this not only reveals deeply engrained institutionalized racist/reverse-racist discrimination policies on the part of both the santa clara and sunnyvale police departments, but it also shows why santa clara county is rated among the worst justice departments in the state of california - all of the people seen in the photos above have either threatened and/or attacked mister roper, and they all remain free - why? ~ read more
> NOTE: the line of people i am willing to testify against stretches around the block, so where is justice when you need her? - the bottom line: while everything is not all black and white, sometimes it needs to be to make a point; if these folks were of african-american descent, they would likely have been arrested and prosecuted long ago ~ and similarly, if i were of african american descent, these people would likely have been arrested and prosecuted long ago as well - this therefore clearly reveals the deeply engrained, institutionalized racist/reverse racist contradictions which exist within our society...

in retrospect; while it is rather insulting that i should have to explain what should be obvious to any intelligent, civilized human being; the last few years of republican rule here in america has apparently brought back humankinds' violent and/or devolutionary (and/or primal - if you will) mindstate, and because of this i feel strongly compelled to comment on the current situation: 1) i have always believed that within the heart of almost all violent people lies a sensitive soul who lacks control, as one who is in control, controls oneself, and; 2) losers essentially have nothing to lose because they have already lost it, and; 3) being violent does not make you a macho or tough, it just proves that you are a fucking idiot, also; 4) my father taught me from day one that violence was no solution for anything, as violence only begets more violence (and psychological testing is only required for those who are a harm to themselves or others), and besides; 5) it takes a bigger person to walk away from a violent situation, as one who does so actually exudes more bravery than one who allows oneself to be drawn into its' evil, and; 6) oftentimes people mistakenly connect violence with heterosexuality when there really is no connection; as there are just as many violent gays in the US military (for instance) as there are violent 'neanderthal' men; making them in a sense one and the same; and since they often all have to take showers together in the barracks or lay in piles on the beach for navy seal training with no chicks in some kind of weird hetero/homo ritual (etc) - its' really all about don't ask - don't tell; 7) heterosexuality is really all about getting laid and i probably got laid more than all of these violent faggots put together 15 years ago, back when sex was legal; 8) also; if you take into consideration that i am a drummer, if i break any bones in my hands i will not be able to play those drums, and there is not one stinking piece of shit on the face of this earth worth losing even one day of drumming over, and; 9) the only other alternative is to grab a big stick and...but life in jail just doesn't seem all that appealing to me, and besides; 10) i'm just too pretty; 11) but! if you want to bang your head against the prison wall, feel free to do so - although i would advise against it...
violence in any shape or form is clearly against the one law of the witch; SO DO WHAT YOU WILL BUT HARM NONE AS ALL YOU DO SHALL RETURN IN THREES...
GOOD QUESTION: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov - since we are now making dogfighting illegal (and rightfully so) why are humans still allowed to fight, and why are we subsidizing some of the fighting at a price tag of roughly $800 billion dollars?