LUCKILY, DUCKS CAN'T READ - This sign recently popped up on a tree close to the DUCK XING sign, and the lady who put the sign up initially told me she was afraid of Mr. Olenak's intimidation and wanted the duck feeding to stop, now she had a death in the family and is making hasty decisions she should not be making while grieving - When my brother died in a head-on collision, I tried to do something pro-active by having speed humps installed, but not only did the city of Santa Clara balk at my attempts to do so; but even some of my closest neighbors did not support it - So, I sort of understand her particular feelings, but what about my feelings or the ducks' feelings? You know; how about if she goes without food along with the ducks? How about that? She must be a pretty selfish lady if she loses sight of all else but herself during times like these; I think it sort of shows what she is really like as a person (click on photo)
This family first allowed me to feed the ducks because they are allergic to animals and couldn't have any real pets, but the problem is that they apparently have no idea what real dedication it takes to be a good caretaker of animals - The weird thing is that these people are supposed to be bleeding heart democrats who care about civil liberties, civil rights, the environment and wildlife etc, but so much for that romantic notion - I'm sorry to say that there are many other people in this heavily democratic voting bloc who are just as dangerously non-chalante when it comes to these same issues...
The truth is; Santa Clara County lags far behind other counties such as San Francisco and San Mateo County (for instance) when it comes to environmental and/or wildlife protections and/or habitat restoration etc, and this likely has alot to do with our local semiconductor industry and its' influence on politics - Gee, could our relative non-chalance towards environmental matters here in the Santa Clara Valley have anything to do with the fact that we have too many computers and too much cement, and not enough open space? - I mean, after all; this valley is a near environmental dead-zone after the internet boom of the 1990s...
Anyway, the lady put up some other sign babbling on about her self-absorbed nonsense, but i do not intend to read it because what I don't know clearly won't hurt me...
And I hate to say this but; between my sister; the Mayor of Santa Clara saying this; the ex-Mayor doing this; Sgt. Seagrave having obvious hatred, bias and malicious intent towards me, with no respect for a hearing judge's opinion (note: when my lawsuit against the City of Santa Clara hits the county level, Seagrave will be added along with Lopez, because both she and Lopez colluded to bring in two of my attackers and used them as 'witnesses', and one of these 'witnesses' [Mr. Olenak] admitted to his attack at the hearing in front of two of my witnesses!? - I also brought in a file of suppressed evidence the morning of the hearing which the the officers purposefully omitted to guide the case the way they wanted - Lopez and Seagrave will be lucky if they have jobs next month - and the hearing officer who purposefully ignored the evidence is no better than Lopez and Seagrave if you ask me); and another lady doing this (see photo on tree) I now have serious doubts regarding the future of women in politics, as they are showing themselves to be just as screwed up as men have proven themselves to be, and twice as indecisive (men naturally protect women and children first; but women - on the other hand, tend to protect women and children first - you know; if the lady across the street got attacked 5 times, someone would have been arrested by now, so why has no one been arrested yet? - it really shows what an evil and selfish bitch she is, focusing on the duck feeding instead of the various attacks; and what an screwed-up and unfair justice system we have here in this county (in fact; Santa Clara County has the worst justice system in the state) - I have always thought that while these people are fairly nice, they are also secretly snobbish, condescending, self-centered, insulting yuppy scum folks who look down their noses at you, and have never bent over to pick up a piece of garbage in front of their house, because they are above it, but I was always nice to them so I could feed the ducks - as far as I am concerned, they can go fuck themselves along with Seagrave and Lopez - if they don't give a fuck about my life, I don't give a fuck about theirs - so much for community relations)...
While women can legally be entirely dictatorial in their male/female relationships (or female/female relationships as with Seagrave), this never plays out well in the political arena...
NOTE: While I might vote for Nancy Pelosi for President (for example); the general fickle, PMS-affected nature of most/many females makes them an unfit and/or unstable foundation for a society seeking decisiveness, fairness and consistency - And even though the verdict from the male hearing officer ultimately went against the feeding of the ducks, the general feeling I got from him was that he saw nothing wrong with the feeding of ducks, and he actually came out and said this - He said I seemed like "a very caring person" (which I obviously am) but! he was probably just mis-interpreting the law once again to save the City of Santa Clara money on an expensive lawsuit which at this point they cannot win because of Mr. Olenaks' loose lips (LOOSE LIPS ~ SINK SHIPS) and like I said before; I have witnesses (other than deaf and dumb cops) to his loose lipedness...Oh yes, and as the letter from the hearing officer was being delivered by the postal worker along with the rest of the mail, a Santa Clara PIG cruised by, as if to say; "we know what's in your mail", and this was likely done to essentially give that letter a little more bush administration inspired nazi police-state 'umph' - and because of this; I have reported the various aforementioned police abuses to the FBI public corruption hotline - (related link)
the bottom line: science has shown people like to feed ducks,
and you can't argue with science...
"I love a good man outside the law, just as much as I hate a bad man inside the law"
-Woody Guthrie, "Pretty Boy Floyd" lyric sheet notation, 1940's - go to: http://www.woodyguthrie.org/