i was out taking photos of the local superfund cleanup site when an old aquaintance walked by [see photo -- he is and aquaintance who has lived just around the corner for almost my entire life; notice that i did not call him a friend] in talking to him, i mentioned that various local punks have been focusing upon my place of residence causing vandalism etc for over a year now, and that some of that bullshit is coming from punks who live on his street...

he intially couldn't believe it, but then later admitted there is a gang of punks on his street, but they are friends of the sons of a santa clara police officer!? [in fact; the truck in this blog posting originated from that same police officers' house!? -- he then went on to say that i deserve the stalking, menacing and harassing that i experience, because of what i write in my web site! - click here]
[note: unfortunately; 8 years of bush administration censorship has caused a wave of nazi-minded third wave americans who belong living in [and/or working for] the republic of china and/or the CCP more than here in america - interesting fact: back in the 1980s, the only american writers who got attacked for their writings were music magazine critics who dogged on rap artists', so what happened? since when did the ghetto creep into the suburbs and cause common americans to become the pit bulls of government censorship? -- all i can say is this; the computer keyboard is mightier than the sword ~ and it increasingly takes real bravery to be an outspoken journalist here in america]
furthermore; this is not proof the SC police officer in question knows of his sons' friends' tom foolery -- after talking to the man seen in the photo, i called an old friend who recently moved away, and he not only lived near the man in the photo for many years, but also lived two doors down from the SC police officer for almost his entire life -- he said the police officers' sons are "crazy punks", so i then asked him about the officer; i said something like: "is he a cool dude? is he devious? what kind of core personality does he possess?", and apparently he is a pretty cool dude...
> in retrospect; mister SC police officer does not necesarily know his sons' every move, as we all know how young people can be [as most of the people reading this were either young once, or are young now] his sons likely know about my web site; and therefore likely know about my lawsuit against the santa clara police; and also likely possess an ingrained bias that may be guiding their behavior in questionable ways -- i instinctively KNEW there was something fishy about this encounter with an SC police officer last year, and now it all makes perfect sense why i have not seen the SC police in my neighborhood at night for about a year now, while much of the stalking menacing and harassing has been originating from SC - note: someone recently came forward about harassment originating from SC officer GABBY SEAGRAVE X-13 [click here & here]
NOTE: back during the 1980s teens actually had respect for individuals like me; unlike the spoiled little overprotected brats raised by the clintons during the 1990s - in fact; the things that have been happening on my property as of late are essentially the same kinds of things young friends of mine did back when they were 8-10 years old!? [ding dong ditch etc]; and this means today's youth are developing crucial social awareness skills at a much later age than before, and this is not good -- with individuality now being discouraged in our youth [and/or society in general] by our increasingly nazi US government; and the exclusive taking the place of the inclusive [intolerant and/or divisive mentalities inculcated by TV shows such as survivor, big brother etc]; our xenophobic society has perhaps inadvertently created a young generation of selfish punks who see individuality as being some kind of threat to their nazi-lockstep behavior tendencies...
IN CONCLUSION: the 'illuminati conspiracy' can and does exist on a variety of levels in society, depending upon various conflicts of interest within government - for instance; it exists on a local level when a police officers' sons' friends do dirty work for local government, as that same local government conveniently looks the other way [failing to protect and serve a powerful local activist - see: COINTELPRO]; and can also exist on a federal level [for example] when enough money is at stake -- there are different conspiratorial levels, but they almost all hinge upon $$$ the almighty dollar $$$ and/or the destabilization of dissent - THE BOTTOM LINE: dissent is not only for supreme court judges; dissent is IN FACT the highest form of patriotism -- (FACT: the person seen in the photo above has in the past allegedly sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs grown in his parents' property, AND HIS BROTHER IS A DEA AGENT!?)...