after waking up to a broken windshield this morning, i noticed an extremely expensive looking bright green sports car going up and down the street very slowly and acting suspicious, so i went in to check my video footage to see if i recorded the culprits who broke my windshield (footage i am still reviewing)...
then tonight i heard the usual group of stupid teens driving up and down the street honking their horns, so i went outside and flashed my camera at the cars as they parked down the street - i then saw a santa clara cop sort of driving around erratically out of his jurisdiction in sunnyvale territory, so i waved him down and he eventually stopped and got out of his car - he immediately had a bad attitude towards me and looked like he was wired on speed or something, insinuating that i was a troublemaker (just a few hours ago i posted in the header section of this blog "don't bother calling the santa clara police department, they are a crooked organization") - he insinuated that what i write in my web site or blog could be causing my trouble, then pointed his flashlight at my surveillance devices on the side of my house - like; what am i trying to do here, solve a crime or something? - yer damn right, asshole!...i know my rights and i can take any photo i want in the public domain, and if you don't shut up, i'll start posting videos of cops showing what they are and/or aren't doing in this neighborhood, got it?...
so here i have been attacked several times with no arrests made (click here), my car recently had boulders thrown through the back windows, and last night my windshield was apparently shot with a BB gun, AND I AM A TROUBLEMAKER?! (more like MUCKRAKER and this is a country called AMERICA with something called THE FIRST AMENDMENT, SO GO FUCK YOUR PIGGY SELF!) and adding to all of this, four neighborhood cats got slashed to death a few weeks back (read related story), and thefts have been occurring in this neighborhood as well, so this is a very serious matter...
anyway, during my conversation with this idiot cop, a gang of young punks on foot came out of the court behind my house, the same place this santa clara cop just came from, which is not in his jurisdiction - apparently they have friends over on bluebird avenue (and a santa clara cop friend providing cover for them) and they are likely angry that i went house to house yesterday putting up flyers requesting the sunnyvale police start an undercover operation in this neighborhood to find the people behind this latest criminal activity - well i say TOO FUCKING BAD, because i'm sick of this bullshit and i'm going to put an END to it! (i then promptly called the FBI public corruption hotline, and also called the santa clara cops' night supervisor to report this abuse of power)...
then right after this idiot cop left the scene, as i was talking to the sunnyvale 24-hour non-emergency hotline, a car of mindless teens drove by again honking their horns, and threw a watermelon onto the street - luckily my neighbors chased down the car and got it's license number - they then gave the license number to the sunnyvale police who eventually showed up at the scene - apparently the vehicle in question went to lillick and thunderbird, then parked where some deranged punk lives (the same punk who came to my door and woke up the whole house at 2 am a few years back) and i have a suspicion he may have something to do with some of this mindless nonsense...
NOTE: the 'friends' i had in this neighborhood back in the mid 70s and early 80s were some of the biggest fuck-ups this side of the mississippi river, so what is happening around here as of late is like nothing in comparison, and certainly nothing new - and even though it seemed kind of fun at the time, as i look back, while i was the more mellow and conservative one of my neighborhood high school 'gang' so to speak, i feel now that much of what my more radical friends did was wrong - so i vow to NEVER let it get back to the way it was in this neighborhood EVER AGAIN...
in fact; i encourage the youth in this neighborhood who may be involved in tom foolery to get a clue and stop using your energies for such useless nonsense - the future awaits your positive contributions to society...