then last night at around 10:45 PM, i heard some noises outside and came out to find a car careening down the wrong side of the street aiming for a group of local teenagers who were walking along the sidewalk - the teens said the people in the car that tried to run them down not only tried to steal the duck crossing sign which is attached to the light pole where the rock was left the week before, but they also shot a paint ball gun at them as they passed by as well - they gave a detailed description of the vehicle and the occupants inside, which included two females and at least one male - and since the light post in question is under surveillance, i will be reviewing the footage and any passing on any useful information to the SVPD - read more
> 26 MAY 2008 / UPDATE ~ GANG ENHANCEMENTS? - last night i saw the truck which almost ran over the gang of teens in my neighborhood drive by my house, so today i went on an investigative mission and found the truck [license # 3A06813] parked on bluebird avenue (photos by 007)