NOTE: you would think in a neighborhood which gets literally thousands of vehicles travelling through it every day to and from several businesses at the patrick henry and raynor park properties, and soon-to-be even more traffic generated by full circle farm (these businesses would not get approval if they were 7-11 stores, by the way); and houses with people who get repeatedly stalked and menaced and harassed for many months; the city of sunnyvale would step-up enforcement in that same neighborhood - so why do they only show up every now and then, and why did it take so long for them to show up in the first place? - adding to this; i have repeatedly tried to get much-needed increased traffic calming measures on our street [as promised by the santa clara traffic engineering at our last meeting with them, and due to the woefully inadequate santa clara police response to our neighborhood's concerns] with no action taken as of yet - so what gives? - read more