on the morning of june 23rd 2007, i found the burned remains of a paper bag with what appeared to be dog shit in it on my doorstep (something mister olenak's son danny once did to a neighbor down the street, causing then young danny and his partner in crime to be separated, which makes me wonder...)
anyway, i heard the doorbell ring the night before, but didn't bother answering it - then sometime after finding the burned bag the next morning, i heard a loud screach just outside my window (see skid marks in photo)...
i went out with my camera and found a white mitsubishi [with the license plate #3HTB212 - see photo] stopped in the middle of the street in front of many neighbor witnesses, with a barefoot guy (who looked alot like the guy with the license # ALIBABA) panicking as his girlfriend or whatever tried desperately to get the car running again...
i pointed at the skid marks and said something like; "what's this all about!?" and the girl shouted back; "we're looking for our dog!", but it didn't occur to me until recently that this reference to "her dog" was likely either a conscious -- or unconscious -- reference to the burned bag of dog shit on my porch! (for the record; i went out later that same night to santa cruz and had a great time)
NOTE: i knew i was going to post the photos seen above eventually, but i did not know when...until i got home tonight and found another paper bag on my doorstep (i took a photo of it but i will refrain from discussing it in detail at this time - i will say this; these geniuses deposited the latest doorstep bag right in front of one of my surveillance cameras! stupid fools!) but instead of dealing with it myself, this time i called SVPD and they carefully took the bag away to their evidence lab to be analyzed - i got a good impression from both police officers, they were very professional and seemed genuinely concerned about the situation...