yesterday i was coming home on el camino real in santa clara when i stopped to park in front of a store for a minute -- i came back out shortly after to find an SC cop parked behind my car about to write a ticket, so i told him i was just there for a minute and he said ok, and signaled for me to leave -- i then said something like "a judge probably wouldn't do anything about it anyway" (citing the lack of red paint on the curb) which caused him to change course and write the ticket -- he said something about me "getting smart" (yes, i am extremely intelligent - you got a problem with that?) -- i then asked if i could take care of this immediately, so he directed me to the santa clara police department...
i went down to the station to ask about paying the ticket, and while i was at it; i also put in a request for photos of my defensive injuries incurred during my wrongful arrest back in 2006 when the DA quit her job and/or got fired or whatever over the whole fiasco (because i was considering dropping my lawsuits against the city of santa clara and/or sunnyvale -- but not anymore!) and! if the photos are no longer available, THEY HAVE DESTROYED IMPORTANT PIECES OF DAMNING EVIDENCE...
QUESTION: why is the city of santa clara worried about one measly fire hydrant being blocked when they failed to construct a federally mandated water retention pond for emergency firefighting purposes at 1333 lawrence expressway; a pond which could save thousands of residences when water pressure is inevitably compromised after the next major earthquake? - UPDATE / 4 oct 2008 - due to the fact that i was half wrong in this situation; i likely could have fought this ticket and got the fine reduced in half, but i went ahead and paid the ticket anyway -- after all; the city of santa clara is going to be needing money when i sue them for my various civil rights violations...