many years back, the city of santa clara installed 25 MPH enforced signs on our street, but since then they have failed to enforce the speed laws as the signs so promised -- now the city of sunnyvale has installed state law crosswalk signs on the same street, but the city of santa clara has not followed suit by installing them where they are most needed (i was told a few years back by an SC traffic engineer that "it's a political issue", whatever that means) -- i called santa clara traffic engineering last week about this situation, and an engineer promised to re-paint a crosswalk and install a crosswalk sign, but apparently nothing has been done about it yet -- here are two videos which speak for themselves > EXHIBIT A & EXHIBIT B
> TAKE ACTION! the city of santa clara promised our neighborhood increased traffic calming measures at a meeting back in the 1990s, but they never made good on those promises -- call santa clara traffic engineering @ 408-615-3000 and request a new crosswalk and state law crosswalk sign on dunford way...