this is an excerpt from an email i recently received from another individual who has been harassed and terrorized by officer gabby seagrave:
Last Thursday I spoke to an ex-Mountain View police woman who was fired wrongly by the mountain view police department - She had told me all police locally [and especially Santa Clara police] are corrupt in that they are given quotas per day to meet - If they do not meet the quotas, they will find non-existent crime and/or harrass people and/or distort what has happened to meet them [she also told me that she had lost all confidence in any police department]. She has been an officer for over 4 years now, and is looking for a different career that is honest. She knows Gabby Seagrave but has not spoken to her in 3 years -- she said Gabby is hard core and rough to keep her job [Gabby has been dishonest, and also apparently turned herself into a man!?] I told this ex-mountain view cop what I experienced, and that I felt Gabby was a terrorist, and she believed it because of what she had witnessed about her when she met her at a national womens' police conference - ANONYMOUS [RELATED LINK]
> Through the City of Santa Claras' questionable tactics; Gabby Seagrave got her nice old Santa Clara home from an elderly widowed woman who could not pay the high taxes. The city let her live in her home until she died, but then ended up owning the home, which was then sold to officer Gabby Seagrave at a considerable discount at way under market value. Many other homes once owned by elderly people have been sold to the police department and/or other city employees as well - ANONYMOUS
THERE IS LIBERTY: when the people fear their government, there is tyranny ~ when the government fears the people, there is liberty - Thomas Jefferson
NOTE: it appears mister seagrave has established a clear pattern of behavior which shows he is not only a serial abuser of those he is sworn to protect and serve, but also one to discriminate against those with disabilities, even when those disabilities are imagined...