about one month ago, a bunch of screaming tweenage girls drove by honking their car horn at around 10 pm on a friday night - i went outside to take one of the pictures seen above (see girl holding magic wand) when i heard one them say 'steal the camera!' (which was on a tipod in the driveway) - about one month later on may 9th 2008 (see fuzzy image of girl w/glasses exiting vehicle on the left side of surveillance photo) i heard a bang against my window as i slept, and when i checked my video footage, i found images of who i believe to be the same tweenage girl seen with the fairy wand from one month ago > check out these videos: X X
> a message to kamala harris: teenagers nowadays have been sort of purposefully radicalized by republicans who rely upon people who are willing to do the unspeakable for the US military [READ THE THIRD WAVE X] the third wave experiment showed how easy to manipulate young minds are, and just like back in the 1980s when the rise in toy guns led to the rise in actual guns in youth; the last 8 years has led to a similar rise in pre-military recruitment youth violence - and not all drugs make people violent (marijuana for instance) you know; what about the psychoactive drug that is making my friend think about killing himself every day? which doctors are going to jail for prescribing these violence-inducing drugs, kamala? alcohol induces violence in the violence-prone; meth makes people insane and often violent; steroids cause roid rage; but marijuana makes people non-violent, and this is PRECISELY why republicans fight so hard against it; because it goes against our nations' current violent agenda...and trying to desexualized teenage children in an attempt to depopulate is not only backfiring; but also quite ridiculous if you ask me - you're telling horny people at the horniest point of their lives to not blow on their horns, and all that is doing is causing them to become increasingly violent due to this forced state of sex-nazi pre-military service desexualization - what do you say we put on our thinking caps and listen to miss mary anne and the magic mirror tell us all about sex education once again?
NOTE: back when i lived in an apartment in hollywood, my room mate came home late and woke up my girlfriend and i while we were sleeping - i jumped up from my bed and quickly pinned him and two other people into the corner of the room (the living room was my bedroom) but! as soon as i realized it was my room mate and his friend and girlfriend, i backed off and said something like; "oops, sorry about that", causing his friends' girlfriend to look at me like she wanted to tear my clothes off and wildly fuck me...
the moral to the story is this; don't ever wake me up while i am sleeping because i have slept with a baseball bat next to my bed for many years now, and you never know what i might do with it...