Monday, July 23, 2007


i went outside today and noticed that mister olenak had poured some kind of foreign substance in the duck food across the street, duck food someone else has been putting out even though supposedly someone saw me do it (see: hearsay evidence) gee, all i can say is; why do witnesses matter now? when i was attacked by various people last year, no one wanted to talk to any witnesses, now all of the sudden witnesses matter?! (see: ignoring exculpatory evidence)
anyway, it was the same biased lady cop Sgt. X13 ~ G. Seagrave who came by last time, but this time around she gave me a $50 ticket for 'keeping of certain animals', a law which i have pointed out over and over clearly does not apply to this situation (see: Thursday, June 21, 2007 blog post: SCUSD COVER-UP - KILL 'EM ALL!?); she drove up and saw me pouring water on the duck food that mister olenak tainted with detergent, and believe it or not, she finally lightly slapped mister olenak's hand by warning him not to pour anything into any duck food anymore!?
unfortunately; this is too little too late, as they should have warned mister olenak when he initially made threats before his attack ~ not after, and their failure to prevent the attack is the crux of my lawsuit against them...
i explained to her that my obstinance has alot to do with their negligence - in other words; if they had decided to arrest my various attackers last year when the violence occurred, then i would have a little more respect for them - but since they did not even slap the hand of ANYBODY, they are going to hear about it...
Sgt. Seagrave came to the front door to talk to me, but ultimately ignored everything i said and finally left, convinced i was going to just back down and pay up (which would be an admission of guilt) BUT NO! she said that the city really doesn't want to drag it into court because it costs the city money, so i say LET'S DRAG THIS SUCKER INTO COURT! - i'll gather all my witnesses and paperwork and go in there and have these people for lunch! i can't wait! (and besides; i haven't even heard back about my lawsuit claim against the city of santa clara for their various indiscretions, and even if some santa clara-friendly judge takes part in the evidence cover-up (which i kind of expect) i plan to appeal it UNTIL THE END OF TIME!...
as far as i am concerned; at this point, the legality regarding this situation is still in limbo, and if you ask me; the city of santa clara's questionable actions are nothing more than an admission of guilt on their part...
this is really ultimately a health issue, because if the ducks fail to get proper nutrition, it could lead to infectious diseases which could in turn affect both human and animal populations - so until viable habitat is restored for the ducks, they absolutely must be cared for in the same way all other animals are cared for; in a humane fashion...
LRE NOTE: when i once again brought up my various attackers and witnesses to the tough lady cop, she said something along the lines of "oh yeh, and i got attacked when i was a little kid, big deal? blah blah blah" - ok, fine; like many other cops; she MAY BE a cop due to the fact that she was beaten and bullied as a child -- but i wasn't bullied or beaten, and i refuse to allow it to occur to me now - hey, tell you what ladies, if you want to be 'strong insensitive women' [which ultimately serves the violent, insatiable needs of our military-industrial complex - in other words; while democrats are feeling proud of their insensitive new empowered money-hungry women; republicans are ecstatic about the new military recruitment potential - gee, that's what i always wanted; a girlfriend who can kick my ass!] then you're going to have 'strong sensitive men' as well; men who are strong enough to defend themselves, but not retarded enough to get involved in violent conflict - in retrospect; any woman who whines and complains about inequality and/or discrimination etc at this point is totally full of shit, as women are protected much more than men right now, and it is high time to even the score - you know; why do you think i accused the city of discrimination? - when you choose to treat one person differently than you would others, that is the heart of discrimination - the bottom line is this: it aint about being an idiot; it's all about being cool - and heartless, violent, insensitive people -- be they male or female -- are clearly not cool - not cool as me anyway...
yes; if the city of santa clara thinks they are going to go the new canadian route by allowing all the wildlife habitat to be paved while tying the hands of those who have a big enough heart to take up the slack, THEY ARE SADLY MISTAKEN...