i went down to the peterson field this morning to run at the track and noticed SCUSD maintenance workers covering-up ground squirrel burrows with dirt from a large truck - i eventually approached the workers with a video camera and asked them what they were doing to the ground squirrels, and one of the workers jumped out of the truck and said this...the SCUSD has a long record of abuse against animals (click here) so attention absolutely must be drawn to this story to bring an end to this heartless cruelty once and for all... after witnessing this event and returning home to secure the video evidence gathered, i found two plain clothes santa clara cops at my front door asking me about duck feeding again - as you all probably know; i was attacked several times while feeding ducks and the police never arrested anyone regardless of my evidence gathered (click here)... the santa clara PIGS at my door have everything to do with a lawsuit i filed against the city of santa clara last week regarding discrimination, violating their oath by failing to protect and serve, wrongful arrest, violation of civil rights statutes, etc etc etc...
(i probably got officer pablo lopez in trouble, and now he's pissed off - but that's just too damn bad, now isn't it? i realized later that i made what he probably considers a 'plea bargain' to get out of jail; but what i really made was essentially an agreement under duress to my abductor during an illegal extraordinary duck feeder rendition, so until they come up with a valid ordinance that applies to this situation, as far as i am concerned the city of santa clara doesn't have a pot to piss in, because the ducks will be back next year and they will continue to be cared for; PERIOD - i told you all before that i would rather be shot dead than sacrifice my civil liberties and/or freedoms by sitting in jail for one more minute for feeding ducks i received official permission to feed - you know; the US government needs to realize that there are some things they cannot stop, and compassion is one of those things - so they can [and probably will] continue on being the demonically possessed monsters they are, but they just need to LEAVE ME OUT OF IT, thanks! - you see; this may seem a little weird to some of you out there, but i knew that when i posted this on 21 jun 2007, there would be some sort of 'repercussive payback' so to speak; as one cannot do good deeds for the universe without reprisal from 'the dark side' - and basically; i looked straight into the face of evil when that SCUSD maintenance man said "we're gonna kill 'em all!" (and also when pablo lopez showed up at my door with his gun, and no; this is not some sort of delusionary statement from a religious fanatic, quite simply; there is good and evil and the only law is 'do what you will but harm none', and both of these people had clear intent to harm - if there is a devil, it is within devolution) and while we all generally want a diverse police force, sending a lesbian and latino cop to talk to a caucasian duck feeder opens the door for reverse sexism/racism - for example; i really don't care if the SF chronicle recently ran a feel-good article about a lesbian SF cop, there is another side to things; if i was mister olenak's lesbian daughter and got repeatedly attacked, the lesbian cop would not be ignoring and/or suppressing my gathered evidence - and the same goes for the latino cop, who would have warned or even arrested mister olenak for making his threats early on if i was a latino - also; 1) if i was an old lady; someone would have been arrested; and/or 2) if i was an old man; someone would have been arrested; and/or 3) if i was a black man; someone would have been arrested; and/or if i was a teenage girl; someone would have been arrested - so why has no one been arrested? [can anyone say "discrimination"? - how about "political retaliation"? - hmmm...i didn't think so] tell you what; i have already called the office of the california attorney general, so if our cop-lovin' santa clara county DA decides to obstruct justice by covering-up her cop husbands' violent conspiracy, i plan to appeal her decision as well) anyway; they brought up ordinance 6.15.010 (which clearly does not apply to this situation) then ordered me to stop feeding ducks in the city of santa clara blah blah blah - the city of santa clara will stop at nothing to retaliate and intimidate whistleblowers, and this is just further proof -- as they left i said "i'll see you in court!" (they even insinuated that i was 'creating a nuisance', when the only real nuisance i know of is the excess traffic travelling to and from the various SCUSD properties; traffic which our neighborhood has been complaining about for years - and this just happens to be the same traffic that is 'inconvenienced' by the presence of ducks crossing the street in front of city-installed duck crossing signs!? - question: if a commercial enterprise like 7-11 would not be allowed to do business at the patrick henry property -- mainly due to traffic congestion issues -- why are several entities allowed to do the same? - and what about the MASSIVE nuisance the city of santa clara is planning on shoving down our neighborhoods' collective throat with the proposed new 8 story mixed-usage KOHLS structure? X) (i will now be starting a campaign educating apartment dwelling folks about animal rights and/or human rights and/or the protection of civil liberties and/or civil rights - not encouraging, but also not discouraging further duck feeding at the apartments so our beloved ducks can be cared for in a compassionate fashion - and isn't it a bit strange that people can get away with poisoning ground squirrels, violently attacking duck feeders, lying to investigators, ignoring exculpatory evidence and violating civil rights statutes etc - but i can't feed the ducks?...hmmm - i think those little SC piggies need to go f#%k themselves - and as for the democrats in control of the city of sunnyvale and/or santa clara; all this green this and green that is leading to the inevitable; the green party taking your shit over, so i think both of your crooked backscratching political parties better get with the program or get the f#%k out of our faces, cuz we don't need any more bullshit than we already have, got it?) related story: X
> 14 jun 2006 - SCUSD COVER-UP - last year at this time there was a burgeoning ground squirrel population in the peterson field just behind the peterson middle school bleachers, but after telling roger barnes of the SCUSD about the wildlife in the field at a public hearing, someone ordered the squirrels to be poisoned and no one has ever been brought to justice for it (15-30 protected animals were illegally poisoned)...the SCUSD failed do a complete environmental impact report (EIR) and instead tried to cover-up the presence of protected wildlife by destroying the evidence of it, and the sunnyvale animal control failed to press charges against the SCUSD etc - this heinous crime will not be forgotten any time soon, and here is the photographic evidence; 1) EXHIBIT A - 2) EXHIBIT B - 3) EXHIBIT C - when i went to peterson high school they had a proud tradition of environmental protection, and it absolutely sickens me to see the state the SCUSD is in at the present time when it comes to this same issue - ground squirrels are almost cuter than bunny rabbits and anyone who harms them is not only a criminal, BUT ALSO A BIG OLD STINKIN' PIECE OF DOG POOP! - related stories: (1) (2) (3) > 17 jun 2006 / BURROWING OWLS - interesting fact: i talked to the long-time maintenance man of the cabana club on friday morning and he said that back in the 1970s there were somewhere between 15-20 burrowing owls who lived just behind the peterson field bleachers... > 26 jun 2007 - 'testing the waters' to see what kind of a reaction i would get (see email message thread below) yesterday i sent out the following provocative email message to the santa clara city attorney and the santa clara county DA - a few hours later the santa clara police were putting on a big show inside the now fenced-in illegally developed 1333 lawrence expressway property (see photo below)

Original Message - From: lik roper To: CityAttorney@ci.santa-clara.ca.us ; DA - Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 12:34 PM - Subject: Re: BEGGING TO DIFFER...
REGARDING THE DUCKS: the ordinance you recently cited was 6.15.010 - and if you read the law it clearly pertains to: 1) the 'keeping' of certain animals and fowl, and - 2) the nearness of dwellings to the said animals 'kept' - it reads as follows; "KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS AND FOWL - GENERALLY; a) it shall be unlawfull to keep or maintain any equine animal, any bovine animal, any sheep, hog or goat, any live hare, chicken, duck, turkey, goose, pigeon or other fowl as provided in this chapter. - b) any person maintaining any such animal or fowl within the city shall keep the premises upon which such is kept fenced. or if such animal is staked, so as to keep the animal from leaving the premises upon which such is kept, and shall not permit such animal or fowl to run at large upon the street or upon the property of any other person" (ordinance 1205 1 ~ 1, 2-18-69 formerly ~ 3-18)
first off; 1) the said animals (ducks) originate from and/or are being officially 'maintained' by (and/or are being 'kept' by) the various apartment complexes in the surrounding area; and - 2) both the city of sunnyvale and santa clara installed the duck crossing signs many years ago which clearly permit such said animals and/or fowl to run at large upon the street (and inadvertently upon the property of any other person); - 3) the various apartment complexes in the area likely have no permit to 'keep' the said animals in question (and/or realistic ability to 'keep' these said animals in the fashion specified by the ordinance, as the said animals are clearly more wild and 'unkept' than domestic); and - 4) these same said animals (ducks) have been 'kept' unfenced at various apartment complexes in the area for many years, and subsequently conduct their reproductive activities in the surrounding neighborhood(s) every year between the new moon of january/february, and the summer solstice on june 21st (the ordinance responsible for this process is known as 'natural law'); and finally - 5) there is likely a conflict of laws and/or interests of sorts between santa clara and sunnyvale ordinances regarding this matter, as one side of my street is santa clara - and the other is sunnyvale...
in retrospect; since the said animals (ducks) are incapable of being 'kept' in the fashion stated in ordinance 6.15.010, then 6.15.010 clearly does not apply to this situation, as the animals in question are clearly not caged farm animals - ordinance 6.15.010 was drafted back in february of 1969 when the valley of heart's delight was being paved over to create the silicon valley (i moved here with my family in 1967), so if you cite the year in which 6.15.010 was created; the clear intent of this ordinance was directed at farms and/or caged animals - not wild ducks who roam free, just ask the owners of the corn palace about that one...essentially; this ordinance was a roundabout way of shutting down the santa clara valley's agricultural past for a 'better' future with polluted groundwater, suburban sprawl and traffic jams etc...
and it occurred to me; why can the owner of the lake terrace apartments do whatever he wants with HIS property, but other santa clara residents cannot do the same with their own?...do you need loads of money to really do what you want with your property?...why can he pave over the ducks' habitat, and we cannot take up the slack?...and if i am technically 'maintaining' wildlife by feeding ducks then how about all the people who 'maintain' doves and songbirds? - are they not 'maintaining' wildlife in santa clara?...from now on i am not feeding ducks - i am feeding doves and pigeons and songbirds like every other old lady in santa clara; and if ducks happen to eat some...
my friends' roomate mick said there is a federal law against feeding wildlife, a law that mainly applies to hunters; so you can shoot ducks but you can't feed them? is that it? - i have found at least 5-10 dead duck carcasses on the street right by duck crossing signs this year, so what is the message here? - you can run over ducks but you cannot feed them? - what about the car wash in campbell that had ducks purposefully run over and all those campbell police department detectives looking for the culprit? what about the outrage, city of santa clara? do you care about our ducks or not? - sincerely, lik roper
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 12:32 PM - Subject: Re: BEGGING TO DIFFER - so anyway, now that i've made my point perfectly clear, i will likely resume the duck feeding at a future time when i deem it necessary - my ruling is quite clear, so i do not need to hear the biased opinion of some government-friendly judge (who is willing to obstruct justice just to protect city coffers) when the truth is obvious; at face value, ordinance 6.15.010 appears like it applies to this situation, but due to the unique nature of our neighborhoods' circumstances; ordinance 6.15.010 clearly does not apply - sincerely, lik roper (i have chosen common sense and reasonableness over irrationality and unbridled venom - simply put; i got it right)
> 3 jul 2007 - i talked to someone in santa cruz who said santa clara cops are all trigger-happy rookies!? (he lives in santa clara) he also said that at san quentin prison, almost all other california counties give inmates a substantial goody bag to start off with, but supposedly santa clara county is the worst of them all and only gives inmates stamps and envelopes (there is a silent evil here in the silicon valley, and it has alot to do with $$$) also; when he was incarcerated at elmwood, one of the CO's (corrections officers) allegedly snorted methamphetamines while on the job!?