Wednesday, April 11, 2007


there are two young folks who live on my street, one owns a red SUV and the other owns a white truck with a 'SKI SANGER' sticker, and neither of them seem to give a shit about the speed limits...

so i was wondering; is there any way they can slow down a bit when they drive through the neighborhood?...

i really don't want to post a video of their speeding on my web site with my moto KRZR, or even place a small piece of paper in their windshield reading 'YOU'RE BUSTED; PLEASE SLOW DOWN!', but if they don't care what i think, why should i care what they think? - let's just skip the little piece of paper in the windshield - PLEASE SLOW DOWN - THANKS!

LRE NOTE: pro-death hollywood movies like 'redline' etc are made to appeal to primitive teenage minds in the formative stages of their brain development when decision making processes are not yet fully mature, essentially making already-stupid teens -- even stupider, and this is not good...