Friday, April 13, 2007


i have been reluctant to release the identity of one particular neighbor who attacked me last summer because even though the old guy is a bigoted jerk, for whatever reason i still felt a bit of sympathy for him, but not any more - his name is fred olenak and today fred walked by with his dog as i was feeding the ducks across the street and said "still up to the same old shit, huh asshole?"...

hmmm...who's up to the same old shit, fred? - apparently fred still hasn't let go of his anger from last year...and fred is also apparently not aware that the E.P.A. recently sent a letter to the lake terrace apartments ordering them to restore the duck pond; or that he is very lucky he is not incarcerated after his murderous attack last year...

i suggest mister olenak just back off and mind his own business at this point in time if he knows what's good for him...