after getting sick of people speeding on my street, i eventually got the idea to place a safety cone in the middle of the crosswalk (which i had to pull teeth to get installed) to slow traffic to the advised 19 mph speed limit, but the sunnyvale police quickly showed up to respond to the complaints of the lawless speeders and told me to remove the 'safety' cone (and if i didn't i would have to pay a $180.00 fine)...
i told them my street is under santa clara jurisdiction, as i had clearly determined in the past through various communications with both cities, but they insisted (likely since i was opposing sunnyvale's now defunct development proposal in the peterson field) they were going to tie my hands and leave the neighborhood...
i went around in a circle with various asshole sunnyvale cops for quite awhile as i 'brazenly' kept putting the safety cone out in the street to slow traffic, which it did - and quite effectively; i knew they really didn't want me to take this case in front of a judge because they would be exposed for being the lazy bastards they are (and i also knew that a santa clara traffic engineer once told me it was ok if i helped out with the traffic calming)...
the cops ultimately became SO ENRAGED at my obstinance, that it led to my bogus tupac shakur-like arrest last june, which did nothing more than violate my civil rights and get them all in BIG trouble...
anyway; now the city of santa clara has apparently adopted my methods (see photo above) because they are now placing safety cones in the crosswalks in front of school zones to make things safer...
(questions: why are 'safety' cones 'safe' threes blocks away, but instead a 'dangerous nuisance' in my neighborhood?...hmmm...can anyone say 'crooked cops?' - i didn't think so - it is clear that driving is the most dangerous thing we all do, so why are the local police dragging their feet on this public safety issue? is 25 mph enforced or not?)
our society is literally bombarded with irresponsible advertising from car manufacturers (and especially european companies) and these car ads have the effect of destabilizing our society by bringing on death as they encourage us all to drive around like fucking maniacs - but it is high time to wake up...
europeans take everything literally, so let's put it this way; car companies are literally profitting from our death when they run their irresponsible advertisments - you know; do gun manufacturers run ads depicting the irresponsible use of their products? NO! - i suggest car companies collectively wake up and start caring about their customers by changing their ad policies or face being banned from the airwaves altogether like tobacco and gun manufacturers...
(whether it be ending U.S. occupation in the middle east; or slowing the speed of traffic in my neighborhood - there will always be the same ignorant resistance against any positive transition to a less violent reality - evolution happens slowly over time ~ but devolution can happen overnight with one bad supreme court decision)
i have contacted the city of santa clara traffic engineering repeatedly about installing a required state law crosswalk sign in the crosswalk in front of my house, but was told that the holdup was 'a political one' - so when are those negligent bastards down at the cities of santa clara and/or sunnyvale going to pull their heads from their big fat political asses and get with the program already?...
i have completely lost faith in the government at this point in time; i know now that everything i see in the media is essentially just propaganda to make the cops and/or government look good, when the truth is they don't give a crap about much of anything else except themselves and our/their money $$$...