there were noises outside last night [friday 13 jun 2008] at around 10:30 pm, so i went out and surprised the people in this car with a camera flash, which caused them to drive off -- they came right back again, so i got fed up and called 911, causing an officer to show [there were at least 2 females in the vehicle -- which had its' license plates covered -- and a male who appeared to be named "alexander" who was apparently giving orders to the girls] then at about 3:30 am i first heard, then went out and saw what appeared to be this same vehicle driving down the street with a bunch of people yelling and honking, and this yelling was also heard a minute or two later around the block over near the bluebird drive section of santa clara - NOTE: little do these people know; they are doing nothing more than help me win a lawsuit against the city of sunnyvale and/or santa clara for their neglect to prevent etc...