Wednesday, August 15, 2007


last night as i fell asleep i heard the word FAGGOT! being yelled from a passing car - and while i personally am a heterosexual, i don't normally mind people admitting their sexual preferences to me, as our society has firmly established homosexuality as an acceptable thing (who knows; maybe it was one of those latent homosexual gang members headed off to some hot prison sex with their homo/homies or something) but disturbing the peace by yelling out that you're a faggot at 11:30 pm is totally unacceptable - why don't you just get a bullhorn and go out on the corner of el camino real somewhere and yell "I'M A FAGGOT!" or something? that would be much more appropriate...
i know it's liberating to 'come out', but let's show some restraint next time, please - thank you ~ click here