i just received a letter in the mail from someone named theresa catalano at real estate connections located at 1171 south de anza boulevard in cupertino - it said something to the effect of; "i understand that you are depositing corn feed behind the tree on the front yard by the garage - at this time i would like for your behaviour to stop - i do not want to involve the police at this point in time" etc...
well well, theresa catalano @ 408-873-2100, so YOU'RE the one who had my civil rights violated last year; which led to the santa clara and sunnyvale police both ignoring mounds of my own personally gathered exculpatory evidence showing proof of various attacks against me by various neighborhood folks (let alone the many witnesses who are willing to show up in court to testify on my behalf; people the cops did not seem to be interested in talking to at the time - i also found out that mister olenak had an angry run-in down at the peterson field with some other dog walkers awhile back; people who i am going to try and track down to get some sort of statement from - you know; why is it if my chinese or mexican neighbors got attacked by mister olenak, it would be considered a hate crime? i'm sick of the double standards; HATE IS HATE - and speaking of HATE; is that why officer PABLO LOPEZ was negligent in dealing with the verbal threats mister olenak made to me before his attack? - and why is it if this same kind of chain of events happened to ANY person in government, there would be enough evidence for prosecution - but when it is me, there's not enough? do government people think their lives are more important than ours, or what?) - causing the assistant DA to step down, etc? - YOU'RE the one who (illegally?) garnered my personal information and sent me a letter out of the blue?; well well; then i will likely be calling YOU into court to ask you a few questions about how all of this came about...
theresa sounds like she has a foreign accent, like she is from a foreign country or something (she sounds english) so all i can say is this; you can either respect my civil liberties and/or civil rights or LEAVE THE FUCKING COUNTRY, BITCH! - GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME HEAD! - i'de rather be DEAD than be a political prisoner! - i'll stop feeding these ducks about the same time george bush pulls out of iraq, meaning NEVER!...
not only do i have a right to champion these ducks; but it is against the law to deny animals of food and water (and/or natural habitat); i also got permission from the mayor of santa clara about ten years ago when they illegally paved over their main habitat (and i do not have to get permission twice); and THAT is PRECISELY why i have a solid civil rights case against the city (and sunnyvale is another story altogether - i plan to get all of the officers involved either fired or severely reprimanded)...
8 years of the evil bush administration have apparently pushed back environmental protections so far that our society suffers from amnesia - so, does the federal government want to protect wildlife or not? - are they going to overcome their acute cranial/posterior syndrome and get with the program, or not? - personally; i am not waiting around to hear an answer to that question - when it comes to humankinds' relationship with the animals around them, many humans suffer from moral schizophrenia; they cannot decide whether they really care about the wildlife around them or not - fortunately, i am not one of those people...
well well, theresa catalano @ 408-873-2100, so YOU'RE the one who had my civil rights violated last year; which led to the santa clara and sunnyvale police both ignoring mounds of my own personally gathered exculpatory evidence showing proof of various attacks against me by various neighborhood folks (let alone the many witnesses who are willing to show up in court to testify on my behalf; people the cops did not seem to be interested in talking to at the time - i also found out that mister olenak had an angry run-in down at the peterson field with some other dog walkers awhile back; people who i am going to try and track down to get some sort of statement from - you know; why is it if my chinese or mexican neighbors got attacked by mister olenak, it would be considered a hate crime? i'm sick of the double standards; HATE IS HATE - and speaking of HATE; is that why officer PABLO LOPEZ was negligent in dealing with the verbal threats mister olenak made to me before his attack? - and why is it if this same kind of chain of events happened to ANY person in government, there would be enough evidence for prosecution - but when it is me, there's not enough? do government people think their lives are more important than ours, or what?) - causing the assistant DA to step down, etc? - YOU'RE the one who (illegally?) garnered my personal information and sent me a letter out of the blue?; well well; then i will likely be calling YOU into court to ask you a few questions about how all of this came about...
theresa sounds like she has a foreign accent, like she is from a foreign country or something (she sounds english) so all i can say is this; you can either respect my civil liberties and/or civil rights or LEAVE THE FUCKING COUNTRY, BITCH! - GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME HEAD! - i'de rather be DEAD than be a political prisoner! - i'll stop feeding these ducks about the same time george bush pulls out of iraq, meaning NEVER!...
not only do i have a right to champion these ducks; but it is against the law to deny animals of food and water (and/or natural habitat); i also got permission from the mayor of santa clara about ten years ago when they illegally paved over their main habitat (and i do not have to get permission twice); and THAT is PRECISELY why i have a solid civil rights case against the city (and sunnyvale is another story altogether - i plan to get all of the officers involved either fired or severely reprimanded)...
8 years of the evil bush administration have apparently pushed back environmental protections so far that our society suffers from amnesia - so, does the federal government want to protect wildlife or not? - are they going to overcome their acute cranial/posterior syndrome and get with the program, or not? - personally; i am not waiting around to hear an answer to that question - when it comes to humankinds' relationship with the animals around them, many humans suffer from moral schizophrenia; they cannot decide whether they really care about the wildlife around them or not - fortunately, i am not one of those people...