Thursday, May 10, 2007


In politics and sociology, divide and rule (also known as divide and conquer) is a combination political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

In reality, it often refers to a strategy where small power groups are prevented from linking up and becoming more powerful, since it is difficult to break up existing power structures.

Effective use of this technique allows those with little real power to control those who collectively have a lot of power (or would have much more power, were they able to unite).

The phrase is attributed to Philip II, king of Macedon (382-336 BC), describing his policy toward the Greek city-states. Typical elements of this technique involve:

1) creating or at least not preventing petty feuds among smaller players. Such feuds drain resources and prevent alliances that could challenge the overlords; 2) aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the overlords, often by giving them the lands and wealth of rebellious local rulers; 3) fostering distrust and enmity between local rulers; and also 4) encouraging expenditures on personal frivolities (e.g., showy palaces) that leave little money for political manoeuvering and warfare...

> source: - click here

LRE NOTE: it should be no surprise to anyone that governments still use the divide and conquer technique to control people, and i have first-hand experience with it -
for instance; there have been ducks in our neighborhood for many years...the local apartment complexes have duck ponds and the ducks naturally fan out and visit the local neighborhoods in the springtime...about 12 years ago, 3 broods of baby ducks were brought to my property by their mother as a safe haven for them - i walked them home every night back to the lake terrace apartments until hawks caught on and started picking them off on the way to and from my house...

regardless, these ducks have an imprint on this property and the females return with their boyfriends and brothers every spring...i even got both the city of santa clara and sunnyvale to install duck crossing signs at one point, and the mayor of santa clara gave me permission to feed the ducks at a city council meeting when they okayed the illegal destruction of the 1333 lawrence expressway pond (a pond that looks like it will be restored, but i'm not sure yet)

meanwhile; one day after emailing the city of sunnyvale for many months complaining about speeding in my neighborhood, i almost got run over and attacked by an irate neighbor (who has thankfully since moved away)...

i received a bogus restraining order for being attacked and almost run over through the friendly neighborhood resource officer (who has since been fired) and this was the beginning of my experience with divide and conquer government tactics...this planted a 'necessary' seed of distrust within some neighbors so that i would have less of a chance of winning a lawsuit against the city for their negligence...

a few years passed and along came the prospect of housing development in the peterson field...i flyered up the neighborhood and got everyone to go down to a closed city council session, then get turned away to the library across the street...the developer was pissed off and the sunnyvale government was up in arms about a disclosure which showed them being caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar...

a few weeks later the sunnyvale city council okayed spikes on a light pole right by my house by request of a neighbor who (before this) i considered to be a close ally and friend - this immediately ruined my relationship with the family, and this was the second application of city of sunnyvale divide and conquer policy (these neighbors have since separated/divorced and are moving away soon)...

then came the bush administration's bogus bird flu hype, which mister olenak bought hook-line-and-sinker, being the old impressionable man he is...mister-o became convinced that if i stopped feeding the ducks, it would save all of humanity from a bird flu epidemic, and the mainstream media was feeding this unfounded fear by hyping bird flu to be something it clearly is not (i had the focus of almost the entire 'iluminati' upon me, which is kind of cool if you ask me; it means i'm a powerful force to be reckoned with)...

and with a little help from a certain nosey san jose mercury news reporter (who has since retired - gee; why does everyone retire after their encounters with me?) who somehow found out my address and invited himself over to my house one day to cause trouble by writing derisively/indifferently about ducks being run over in his column, the unrest was brought over to the lake terrace apartments as well, where a conspiracy of apartment dwellers suddenly started attacking me out of the blue for feeding the ducks (something the lake terrace managment knew about and apparently supported) ducks which i had fed without incident for years...

then a neighbor across the street found out he had to move out of his rental house, and went berzerk...i knew the guy for years and he was a close ally of mine, but then he suddenly turned on me...he was mister olenaks' best beer drinking buddy, and he couldn't take having to move away - so he took all his anger out on me, almost attacking me one day with a friend of his...

he claimed to be mad about the ducks on his lawn, but he did nothing but protect them and speak highly of them for years, so where did this come from? (this neighbor truly seemed like a friend, but he has since moved out and i hope i never see him again)...

after this; mister olenak took over the stalking and harassing duties; he yelled indistinguishable crap at me from a distance for a few months, then finally all out attacked me one morning a few days after i called the santa clara illegal dumping hotline to report him trying to poison the ducks by pouring chemicals into the duck food across the street...

the cops i called to the scene somehow covered it up by failing to arrest mister olenak, then had the gall to question me after i had just been murderously attacked, insinuating i was somehow at fault or something!?...

then a lady santa clara cop showed up and suggested that maybe my neighbors were afraid of me or something (!?) when the only neighbor anyone is afraid of is mister olenak (everyone except me, that is) according to martha (martha is afraid of mister-o, she just won't tell him face-to-face - i also met a lady who was threatened by him and she is willing to be a witness in court for me if necessary, that is; if the city of santa clara has the gall to spend taxpayer money fighting my slam dunk case against them)...

anyway, a few weeks after this attack by mister-o (and various other people in the neighborhood at the lake terrace apartments) i was kidnapped by armed gunmen from the santa clara police department and whisked off to the santa clara police station for questioning!?...i was almost immediately released after i received an apology from my arresting officer, because my civil rights were agregiously violated - and i think he knew it...

this then planted the seed of 'maybe this duck feeding thing is wrong' in at least some of my more impressionable neighbors' heads, and since then the divide and conquer disease the government started against me has spread even further...

one of my neighbors who i will call mister simpleton, has since started getting whiney about the ducks as well...he didn't say a word about them for years, but since the bogus arrest he has started to use it as a way to get a dig at me...i just think the guy is unhappy with his life, but he shouldn't blame me for it (his wife is a real nice lady though, and his son is a star athlete who drives his red SUV too fast) he owns a landscaping business, so maybe he needs to go cut some lawns and cool off or something, you know?...

then another neighbor who was indifferent for years about the ducks started making snide remarks after the bogus arrests well...he was my good friend during my younger years, but now he too has used the arrest as a way to get a dig at me - these kind of events really show you who your friends are (he is still basically my friend, and he was just being his usual self, but let's just say he has a tendency to be his usual self at the wrong times)...

the next logical step was for the people at the house across the street where i have fed the ducks for years to get weird and turn on me...a whole bunch of cops barged into their house the morning i got attacked by mister olenak and tried to intimidate them (and apparently mister olenak has been repeatedly walking by glaring at the lady of the house) - so since then the 'maybe this duck feeding thing is wrong' thought (even though it isn't wrong) has been planted in their heads and they are starting to question whether i should feed them or not even though all of their habitat has been illegally paved over
(but luckily they know that i am a real man who would rather be shot dead than sacrifice my freedom by spending one more minute in a jail torture cell for feeding ducks, due to the psychotic nature of our two party system of government -- no! no! no! -- i am a serious dissenter who knows his un/inalienable rights - i am willing to give my life for my cause, and besides; i know the local governments don't want some bloody public relations nightmare on their hands - and speaking of blood; why is it that i can have blood repeatedly drawn through neighborhood violence (as well as police brutality) with no arrests made, but the person who allegedly repeatedly fondled ms. perkins' royal buttocks (a hypothetical situation) is now a registered sex offender? - can anyone say DISCRIMINATION? how about INAPPROPRIATE TOUCHING? - i didn't think so - my suit aginst the city of santa clara will include the following charges; a) civil rights violation(s), b) discrimination, c) ignoring exculpatory evidence, d) police harassment and/or intimidation; e) failing to protect and serve, and f) being a bunch of fuckin' nazis from hell...

i was warned by an old lady who recently passed away that during the last reagan/bush republican/illuminati presidential era, neighbors were unfriendly to other neighbors and people seemed to care only about themselves, and we are unfortunately in another one of those evil eras right seems strange to me that a political party based upon christian faith and loving your neighbor would cause such hatred amongst the people, but they do nonetheless - the good side to all this is that i am closer than ever to a neighbor lady who is a teacher - i have been helping her by taking care of her yard due to the fact that she has very little time...

in retrospect; the government constantly divides and conquers the populace on a variety of levels at all times to keep us all nicely controllable; division between the sexes, division by age, gender, ethnicity etc - we are all merely pawns in the government's chess game of divide and rule, but we don't have to allow ourselves to be played
this way...

> while life is definitely not a popularity contest, the local government's purposeful destabilizing 'black operations' (and/or black ops) and/or divide and conquer strategies have not been wholly successful, as i still have many allies, they're just more spread out around the neighborhood - and other than the Ms and the Ns (who i have been friends with for many years) i got to know most of my close adjacent neighbors mainly to have a petition signed, and to get everybody together for neighborhood meetings regarding traffic calming, but in the end; not only has the city of santa clara failed to live up to the promises made at those meetings, but most of them were just kind of politically worthless folks anyway -- the kind of folks the government so depends upon to be too busy and/or afraid to show dissent - and the people who hate or dislike the ducks are just unhappy to begin with; unlike me who has chosen bliss; they have chosen a path in life that ultimately leads them to unhappiness, then they turn and blame their discontent on me, so this is an unfortunate circumstance, but still understandable nonetheless (for instance; remember that episode of northern exposure back in the 1990s where the sound of birds outside the man's window once brought him joy, then began to bother him? then remember the indigenous healer telling the man that he had to leave his home for awhile then return in order for the sound of the birds to be a joyful experience once again? that's right, in other words; don't blame me or the ducks for your unhappiness in life - it's time to make the necessary changes in you life in order to start being happy) - tell you what; birds will stop being fed by humans not only when enough habitat is set aside for them; but also when homeless people stop getting free meals and when welfare checks stop being sent out as well, meaning probably never - and while the ducks in my neighborhood are a combination wild/domestic flock, the wild/domestic parrots in SF have some bird cousins over here in sunnyvale that are truly wild; they survive on fruit, and even though the olson orchard was paved over with a little strong-arming from the county, they are still thriving here in sunnyvale fact; i saw about 50 of them eating fruit from a tree at hollenbeck and homestead road a few years back, in a parking lot by a taco bell of all things!? - i tend to think scientific studies need to be done on the sunnyvale parrots to see if any accelerated evolution has incurred (changes in wing size? etc) in the meantime; those of you out there who are absolutely OBSSESSED with loving/hating me, like the teenagers who wrote on my vehicle's windows last night [by the way; i wasn't going to do it before last night, but now i will be calling the non-emergency sunnyvale police hotline to report this incident, so have fun running from the cops next friday and/or saturday night you little punks! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!] as you bang your heads against your cubicle walls, remember; love and hate are one and the same as people who hate tend to be in love with hating, therefore they are still -- in some twisted sense --

LRE NOTE: just hours after posting the above segment, a good friend of mine's children were abducted by social workers - he is a minority, and apparently our government's favorite thing is to break up minority families, which does nothing more than ruin lives (since writing the above segment; one of the children has allegedly escaped his group home, and the government has now likely created a new enemy for life)