Sunday, March 11, 2007


back when i was in grade school some friends and i used to play ding-dong ditch-it ~ and later on when i was a eunuch teenybopper i was lucky enough to have some older friends who had a car, and i used to drive around with them as they threw water balloons at stuff...

and it's funny how history repeats itself, because the kids in this neighborhood are apparently up to the same old thing; last weekend my elderly roomate caught some kids playing ding dong ditch-it by waiting for them to come back again...

(he shined his flashlight right in the kids' face as he caught him in the act up on our porch, and then the kid went back towards doon court with some other kid)

last night the same thing happened again, so my roommate went out and waited for them to come back, and one car looked like a possibly darkish colored RAV-4 or SUV looking thing with a tire cover on the spare that was disheveled - and the other car that came after was what looked like a station wagon...

(they yelled some shit at him as he past, but he couldn't really hear it because he is hard of hearing)

i returned home later to find my vehicle messed with and things knocked over in front of the house, which doesn't particularly bother me because what they did was innocent enough, but the thing that is pushing it is harassing an old man who needs his sleep...

i know these punks are probably too young to have girlfriends, and even if they did they couldn't have legal sex without fear of incarceration, so i understand their predicaments - but they better find something better to do or they're gonna end up in a big old heap-o-trouble...

(i can't be sure, but i get the feeling they're the same punks from a few months back - they got a ride home to their parents' house by a sunnyvale police cruiser - and they're pissed off now...i got a ride home once for taking bong hits with a guitar player friend in a parking lot at henderson and el camino real - sometimes you just need to get a little ride home)

anyway, my point is this; at this juncture these punks are not bothering me particularly because i am usually out on the town weekend nights - all they are really doing is harassing a senior citizen who wants to get his sleep, so they should try having their fun without having it at the expense of others - and they should also try to have a little respect for their elders...

(when i roadied for a band years back one of my fellow roadies told me that he assisted a senior citizen in his neighborhood when he could, and cited rolling stones guitarist keith richards as his inspiration - after hearing this, i started helping out an old lady who lived nearby as well)

let this be a warning because i have seen it happen before; when enough teenagers screw up, quite often all teenagers - even the innocent ones - end up paying for it with curfews etc, and to me an early curfew is a form of detention that is the same as incarceration, if you ask me...

here are some good examples; 1) after one particularly violent speed metal show back in the late 1980s, the old mountain view theatre was shut down for 'good'; 2) a violent SF gang now has a gang injunction against them limiting their movements on their home turf, because if one uses one's 'gangsta powers' to terrorize and limit the civil liberties of peaceful innocent folks in ones' neighborhood, ones' civil liberties will be limited as well; 3) the band GNR had so many violent concerts back in the late 1980s/early 1990s that it ultimately led to lillith fest - etc etc's really all about teenagers and/or young people in general self-policing themselves so it never gets to that point again, because if they allow it to, it will - our youth need to learn to step in and quell violence before it occurs, not after - because; since violence only occurs when society allows it to, society must then step in to stop that violence...

also; gangs and/or violent behavior in general only lead to one place; prison with other prisoners - and some prison gang members are in fact homosexual and needing 'fresh meat' - so to speak - in the form of young unsuspecting male gang members who take orders to do the unspeakable from lifers behind bars (there's nothing wrong with homosexuality, but why else would a bunch of guys hang around with a bunch of other guys doing things that are going to land them in prison with no access to females? why do you think they act so tough?)...

in a sense; the universe is much like a freight train on autopilot, but humans - on the other hand - are much like freight trains with a pilot, and possibly even a co-pilot...

the general pattern i have noticed is a friday/saturday night thing that ends before their midnight curfews, so keep a look out for wild teenagers on weekend nights - if you see any suspicious looking activity, you can call the sunnyvale police @ 408-730-7100 - i already gave them a call once, and will likely call again tomorrow...